Today’s Reading: Lev. 26-27 & Mark 2
Today’s Reflection: Lev. 26:10 And ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the new.
Backed up blessings are a wonder to behold! God promised His people that if they would walk in His statutes, keep His commandments, and do them (v. 3), then among other things, He would bless them SO much that they would have to eat of their old store. They would have so much new coming in that it would get backed up, and the old would waste if they did not consume it first. Now THAT is being blessed! Earlier I wrote about the expiration dates of blessings and opportunities that God puts in our lives, and we see that principle rise to the surface again here. However, in THIS text, we learn more specifically about the MANAGEMENT of blessings. This means that with blessings come responsibilities, and the truth is, if we don’t get ready for it, the blessings can overflow and overtake us at such a pace, that we won’t have either the room or the natural ability of processing it all completely and efficiently. BUT, in this text, it seems to imply a certain level of wisdom on how to manage those blessings so that they are all utilized without any going to waste. That is my focus for today; are you receiving not only the blessings, but also the wisdom and discipline with which to manage them efficiently? I believe that, according to these principles, no blessing should go to waste. This should make each of us search our cupboards for outdated blessings that have gotten covered up and forgotten by the newer, more recent blessings. Some of us are SO blessed, in fact, that we fail to thank God for every blessing. We’re sometimes like the nine lepers who failed to return to Christ to give thanks for their healings. We should learn from these thoughts that it is important to be not only thankful for, but in remembrance of, each blessing in our possession, with a willingness to use it for its God-intended purpose, without overlooking its importance. Furthermore, when you use up your blessings in the order of the oldest to the newest, it gives your blessings some shelf-life, which can be a season of planning and preparation to seek The Lord for what His purpose is in placing those blessings into your life. Unless it’s needful or obvious, don’t be so quick to spend up those blessings that you may not need to utilize today. Bath their intended purpose in prayer, and plan to use them according to the guiding and leadership of The Holy Spirit. Who would have thought that God would bless you not only with what you need, but with an entire management philosophy to maximize its use!
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