Today’s Reading: Exodus 19-20, Matt. 18:21-35
Today’s Reflection: Ex. 19:9a And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever…
As a young boy, I remember some of the first dealings of the Holy Spirit working in my heart as I would listen to the men of God of that time in my life boldly declare the Word of God with authority and anointing. Often was the case that, when I heard the man speak, and simultaneously felt the Holy Spirit dealing with my heart, I understood that it was God speaking to me, more so than the man delivering the message. I learned as a young man to discern when I was hearing a man speak, and when I was hearing the voice of God through the Holy Spirit. There is nothing like having the validation of a man of God, as given by the confirmation of the Holy Spirit that what he is speaking is the truth! When you hear a real genuine man of God speaking, if you are a child of God, you will be able to discern quickly that the man is a true representative of God, because your spirit will bear witness (see 1 John 5:6). You may not hear an audible voice coming from a cloud such as the one in our text today, but God’s voice will be even louder in your spirit when He speaks directly to you! Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice…” It is to this end that I wish to take a moment and encourage the man of God who is reading this today. When you speak God’s Word when God says speak it, where God says speak it, and how God says speak it, you do not have to worry about whether or not your audience will acknowledge the message. The ministry of the Holy Spirit will do the work in the hearts of your audience so much so, that the ones who it was intended for, will hear God’s voice through yours, undoubtedly. The Holy Spirit will authenticate you as a real man of God to your audience. Your words will carry with them the weight (aka glory) they need to convince the hearer that God is speaking through you, and that it would be in their best interest to listen and obey. Regardless of whether or not they heed the message, just make sure that you are obedient and faithful in preaching exactly what God lays on your heart; nothing more, and nothing less. It is only when you do this that you have the weight of God’s Glory behind you, before you, and on you to get the job done!
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